Business Analysis Checking

Minimum Opening Balance is $500.00.

Business checking account fees are determined by the balance and activity of each individual account. If you maintain balances that offset your account’s activity cost your account may never incur a service charge. An earnings rate is calculated monthly based on the 90-day Treasury Bill Rate for the most recent 30-day period. This rate is applied to your account’s “Balance Available for Investment” which is the average positive collected funds less 10% of that balance. The result is your earnings credit.

If an average negative collected balance occurs, the rate of prime plus 2% will be charged along with the following activity charges:

  • Each Check Paid
  • Each ACH Debit
  • Each Deposit Posted
  • Each ACH Credit
  • Each On Us Deposited Item
  • Each Foreign Deposited Item

No Service Charge is made to the account during the month unless the earnings credit is insufficient to cover the cost.


  • Balance
  • Less 10%
  • Balance Available for Investment

Earnings Credit (assumes 2% Earnings Rate)
Less Service Charges

  • 150 Checks at 0.13
  • 10 ACH Debits at 0.05
  • 50 Deposits at 0.25
  • 50 ACH Credits at 0.05
  • 200 On Us Items Deposited at 0.02
  • 200 Foreign Items Deposited at 0.05
  • Total Charges
  • Net Service Charge

(total charges of $49.00 less earnings credit of $22.19)

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